Thursday, March 21, 2013

Weekly Photos #10

I've been pretty lazy this week, not gonna lie.  Besides being sick, I have had very little to do, so I'm sorry for not updating. On the bright side I had some good adventures and took enough pictures so without further ado...

graffiti under a bridge/birthday dogs eating a cake/weekend hike/french homework/PEEPS!/new reading material/beach day
I joined bloglovin' this week due to blogger follow stopping.  I really like it.  I no longer have to open 10s of tabs.  It's really nice give it a try if you haven't already!  

Good Things

I don't think this needs much explanation past yum.

I had never explored a Redbox machine before, I have to say it's nice.  I may have rented 5 in the past 3 days...I have a pretty serious movie problem.  I also love that the movie is 'due' the next day because it forces you to actually watch the movie.

I actually slept on my couch instead of my bed twice this week and I think I actually preferred it.

Onto my mock IB exams next week! How did your week go?

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